's Contact Us Page

Service and Support Hours:

  • United States Pacific Daylight Savings Time

  • 9:00 am to 5 pm, Monday - Friday
    (Usually much earlier - Sometimes later)

  • 9:00 am to Noon, Saturday
    (Often more - Sometimes Sunday & Holidays)

Dear Members and Guests,

I, Karynna, am your humble servant and support assistant. I manage your membership accounts and product orders. I filter and send along messages addressed specifically to the very busy Sagemonn. I am committed to giving you the best service I know how.

I am pleased to offer you a telephone number (Toll Free in the U.S.) if it is necessary, but I find I can handle most things very well by email. Of course, your privacy is very important to me. I will diligently respect and protect that.

Here are some tips for your emails:

  • 96% of my email is spam! So, I do use spam filters. Please watch for an authorization will only have to authorize one time.

  • Please include a useful Subject line.

  • If you have a problem, be as specific as you can. What is the name on your account? What error message are you getting? What is your Operating System and Web Browser? ...Anything that will help me serve you better.

  • We love fan mail and suggestions. As you may guess, we're filled with kinky creative vision...we just need enough time and resources to do everything. We must keep our priorities straight or we'll never get things done. So, please be patient with us.

  • Some people seem to think we are super-human...thank God, most know we are not. If you have ideas that will help us better serve you, please tell us. I really do care.

Looking forward to Serving you,


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